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Government Circular concerning students who are non-native speakers of Faroese

Attached document:

Government Circular concerning students who are non-native speakers of Faroese.docx

Faroese at level A is a compulsory subject in all upper secondary schools in accordance with the Education Act governing the educational programmes at this level law no. 62 of 15th May 2012, §4 subsection 3. However, the Faroe Islands have committed themselves to a binding agreement between the Nordic countries concerning educational compatibility at upper secondary level. In the agreement of 4th March 1992, a mutual recognition of qualification is ratified by the Nordic countries. This means that students have a right to attend classes and take exams at upper secondary level in the respective countries. Students from other Nordic countries must therefore be admitted unconditionally and be given a real opportunity to pass an upper secondary exam in the Faroe Islands. Students from other countries should be met with the same credits and a similar procedure.
The Examination Act no. 8 of 22nd January 2013 §53 empowers The Ministry of Education, Research and Culture to grant dispensation from the terms stipulated in the Education Act upon receipt of a written application from school authorities based on exceptional circumstances.

The following procedure applies:

The school makes a proposal to deviate from the rule for non-native speakers who are not or partially not capable of passing an exam in Faroese (level A). Often the motive for such a deviation from the rule concerns the issuing of exam certificates to students with the exemption of the Faroese level A requirement. In such cases the student is required to take another subject instead of Faroese. The school then makes an application to The Ministry of Education, Research and Culture to grant a dispensation.

One option for a candidate who is partially capable could be to make attendance in Faroese level A classes compulsory, exempt him/her from the written exam and instead require the passing of a possible oral exam (possibly conducted with the support of another language). Another exam must also replace the omitted written exam.
An exemption to the rule must meet certain requirements. They are:

The collective number of subjects at level A and B on the exam certificate must meet the conditions laid down in §3 in the law enacted by the Løgting concerning upper secondary schools. This means that each student must have at least:

1.    4 level A and 3 level B for the Economics Line

2.    4 level A and 3 level B for the Humanities Line

3.    4 level A and 3 level B for the Science Line

4.    3 level A and 4 level B for the Resources Line

5.    3 level A and 4 level B for the Technology Line

6.    2 level A and 3 level B for the Preparatory Line

The collective hours (by the clock) must be at least as stipulated in the educational act no. 9 of 22nd January 2013 §15 subsection 1 (presently 2450 hours for a three-year course and 1600 hours for a two-year course).

The collective numbers of exams must be at least as stipulated in the law no. 62 of 15th May 2012 §18 enacted by the Løgting (presently 9 including a major assignment). 
Other matters:

1.    A student who is not enrolled for Faroese level A but who has plans to embark on higher education in Denmark is required to pass Danish level A.

2.    A student is not required to take an additional subject, but he/she may, and

3.    A student is not required to replace Faroese level A with another language subject, but he/she may, and

4.    The deviation must not infringe on the scope of reaching higher qualifications or rights in other matters, i.e. a student needs to bear in mind other possible conditions for admittance such as the prerequisite of another foreign language.

If The Ministry of Education, Research and Culture consents to the application for exemption, the dispensation must be stated on the exam certificate in the column “remarks”.


The Ministry of Education, Research and Culture

Olaus Jespersen


Head of Department


Sámal í Skorini


Project Leader